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Deploy Flask app on Heroku with example guide

Deploying a python flask app has many ways to do, and there is a lot of platforms available Here I am going to show how to deploy a python flask application on Heroku in a free plan Let's Get started I assume You already developed your flask application in your local environment, have a Heroku account, and have some basic knowledge of working with git and Command-line Interface. Else If you are new Python Flask, Checkout the amazing course from Pluralsight called Introduction to the Flask Microframework  by Reindert-Jan Ekker Signup-now with 50% offer why Heroku? Heroku Free account provides 550 free dyno hours and free domain Example:  Learn more at  Heroku Free Dyno Hours Heroku Provide some option to Deploy App:  First one is deployed your app by linking your GitHub repository with your Heroku Account Another one is using the Heroku Command-line Interface (Heroku CLI) by pushing the application on Heroku git ser