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Md5 Hash fingerprint of the file. how?

In this post, I am sharing one basic information about file integrity method using MD5 Hash

What is Md5hash:

In every file has a unique hash created by themselves, this hash code was used to verify the file is modified or not,
simply tell the MD5 Hash is like a fingerprint of the file,

If you do any small change in file the total Md5sum hash value is changed totally,
 When you are download files such as Linux ISO images and others. At that time some of the hackers can change the file with another file looks same.

In generally the most of the Linux ISO sites gives the md5hash of the file, After downloading you must check the downloaded file mD5hash is equal to given MD5Hash code.
If your calculated hash code is different from given code, definitely your file is been corrupted or may be modified by others.

What is MD5Sum Tool:

MD5SUM is a tool, 
The tool preinstalled un Linux in command line Interface.

Let's find out MD5SUM:

For Example showing, I am created one small example python file to print hello world. 
After Creating a file > Open Terminal > Move on the File Directory >
Type    >md5sum (filename.extension)

An Example I have created a file named so I am typed md5sum  

Now it shows that Md5sum hash code

And Again I change a small change in the python file an Print "hello Linux user" 
After I am calculating the md5sum hash 
The total md5sum value is changed

In this screenshot shows on the first time I am created one python file and calculated that fuel Md5sum Hash 

In next, I am changed the file and again I am calculated hash is totally changed than before

That's a use of the Md5sum hash tool. 
And I say,  Lot of another best option is available to check the file integrity, Give me your support I am definitely posting about that, 
Thanks for reading the post.I hope this post really helpful for what is the Md5sum Hash, How to use Md5? And how to check the file integrity using Md5sum? And share this post Maximum.

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